Linking Phrases
NOTICE: This page provides a collection of phrases that wiki contributors may want to incorporate into their articles for the purpose of connecting one article to many that share a common subject matter. When using one of these "linking phrases", the author/contributor will enhance the user experience and improve navigation to relevant content on the wiki.
Linking Phrases Listed by Category
Chlorinated Compounds
- Chlorinated Solvents
- Hydrocarbons
- High Explosives (When used in the context of TNT, RDX, HMX and related compounds)
- Perchlorate
- Insensitive Munitions
- 1,4-Dioxane
- Perfluorinated Compounds
- Trichloropropane
- Metals
- Radionuclides
- Solute Transport
- Diffusion
- Dispersion
- Fractured Rock
- Sorption
- Isotherms
- Kow (when used in the context of sorption)
- Solubility (when used in the context of sorption)
- Buffering (when used in the context of pH)
- Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids
Degradation Processes
- Hydrocarbon Biodegradation
- Abiotic Degradation (when used in a general overview discussion)
- Abiotic Degradation (when used in the context of explosives and propellants)
- Abiotic Degradation (when used in the context of chlorinated solvents)
- Cometabolism
- Cometabolic Pathways
- Reductive Dehalogenation
- Organohalide Respiration
- Organohalide Fermentation
- pH Inhibition (when used in the context of reductive dehalogenation)
Molecular Biological Tools
- Molecular Biological Tools (when used in a general overview discussion)
- Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction
- Stable Isotope Probing
- Metagenomics
- Compound Specific Isotope Analysis
- Direct Push
- Membrane Interface Probe
- Geophysics (when used in a general overview discussion)
- Borehole Geophysics
- Surface Geophysics
- Geophysical Characterization
- Geophysical Monitoring
- Groundwater Monitoring (when used in a general overview discussion)
- Passive Samplers
- No Purge Sampling
- Flux Meters
Treatment Technologies
- Air Sparging
- Bioventing
- Soil Vapor Extraction
- Cosolvents
- Surfactants
- Thermal Treatment
- Smoldering
- In Situ Chemical Oxidation
- Oxidants (when used in the context of ISCO)
- Design (when used in the context of ISCO)
- In Situ Chemical Reduction
- Zero Valent Iron
- Bioremediation (when used in a general overview discussion)
- Cometabolic Bioremediation
- Anaerobic Bioremediation
- Design (when used in the context of anaerobic bio)
- Bioaugmentation (when used in the context of anaerobic bio)
- Lime Treatment (when used in the context of explosives and propellants)
- Ex Situ Treatment (when used in the context of explosives and propellants)
- In Situ Treatment (when used in the context of explosives and porpellants)
- Perchlorate Remediation
- Enhanced Attenuation (when used in the context of metals and radionuclides)
- Permeable Reactive Barriers
- Hydraulic Fracturing
- Pheumatic Fracturing
- Viscosity Modification
- Electro Kinetics
- In Situ Soil Mixing
- Monitored Natural Attenuation
- Source Zone MNA (or MNA of Source Zones)
- MTBE, TBA and Ethanol MNA (or MNA of MTBE, TBA and Ethanol)
- MNA Petroleum Hydrocarbons (or MNA of Petroleum Hydrocarbons)
- Chlorinated Solvent MNA (or MNA of Chlorinated Solvents)
- 1,4-Dioxane MNA (or MNA of 1,4-Dioxane)
- Perfluorinated Compound MNA (or MNA of Perfluorinated Compounds)
- EDB and DCA MNA (or MNA of EDB and DCA)
- Explosives MNA (or MNA of Explosives)
- Nitrate MNA (or MNA of Nitrate)
- Perchlorate MNA (or MNA of Perchlorate)
- Metals and Radionuclides MNA (or MNA of Metals and Radionuclides)
- Abiotic MNA
- BIOPic (a computer application for evaluating MNA)
Modeling and Analysis
- Source Zone Modeling
- Plume Response Modeling
- Reactive Transport Modeling
- Mass Flux
- Mass Discharge
- Long-Term Monitoring
- LTM Data Analysis
- LTM Data Variability
- Vapor Intrusion
- Site Management Strategies
- Remediation Performance Assessment
- Secondary Water Quality Impacts (when used in the context of Anaerobic Bioremediation)
- Secondary Water Quality Impacts (when used in the context of ISCO)
- Secondary Water Quality Impacts (when used in the context of Thermal Treatment
Linking Phrases Listed Alphabetically
- 1,4-Dioxane
- 1,4-Dioxane MNA (or MNA of 1,4-Dioxane)
- Abiotic Degradation (when used in a general overview discussion)
- Abiotic Degradation (when used in the context of explosives and propellants)
- Abiotic Degradation (when used in the context of chlorinated solvents)
- Abiotic MNA
- Air Sparging
- Anaerobic Bioremediation
- BIOPic (a computer application for evaluating MNA)
- Bioaugmentation (when used in the context of anaerobic bio)
- Bioremediation (when used in a general overview discussion)
- Bioventing
- Borehole Geophysics
- Buffering (when used in the context of pH)
- Chlorinated Solvents
- Cometabolism
- Cometabolic Bioremediation
- Cometabolic Pathways
- Compound Specific Isotope Analysis
- Cosolvents
- Design (when used in the context of anaerobic bio)
- Diffusion
- Direct Push
- Dispersion
- EDB and DCA MNA (or MNA of EDB and DCA)
- Electro Kinetics
- Ex Situ Treatment (when used in the context of explosives and propellants)
- Explosives MNA (or MNA of Explosives)
- Fractured Rock
- Flux Meters
- Geophysics (when used in a general overview discussion)
- Geophysical Characterization
- Geophysical Monitoring
- Groundwater Monitoring (when used in a general overview discussion)
- High Explosives (When used in the context of TNT, RDX, HMX and related compounds)
- Hydraulic Fracturing
- Hydrocarbons
- Hydrocarbon Biodegradation
- In Situ Chemical Oxidation
- In Situ Chemical Reduction
- In Situ Soil Mixing
- In Situ Treatment (when used in the context of explosives and porpellants)
- Insensitive Munitions
- Isotherms
- Kow (when used in the context of sorption)
- LTM Data Analysis
- LTM Data Variability
- Lime Treatment (when used in the context of explosives and propellants)
- MNA Petroleum Hydrocarbons (or MNA of Petroleum Hydrocarbons)
- MTBE, TBA and Ethanol MNA (or MNA of MTBE, TBA and Ethanol)
- Mass Discharge
- Mass Flux
- Membrane Interface Probe
- Metagenomics
- Metals
- Metals and Radionuclides MNA (or MNA of Metals and Radionuclides)
- Molecular Biological Tools (when used in a general overview discussion)
- Monitored Natural Attenuation
- Nitrate MNA (or MNA of Nitrate)
- No Purge Sampling
- Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids
- Organohalide Fermentation
- Organohalide Respiration
- Oxidants (when used in the context of ISCO)
- Passive Samplers
- Perchlorate MNA (or MNA of Perchlorate)
- Perchlorate Remediation
- Perfluorinated Compounds
- Perfluorinated Compound MNA (or MNA of Perfluorinated Compounds)
- Permeable Reactive Barriers
- pH Inhibition (when used in the context of reductive dehalogenation)
- Pheumatic Fracturing
- Plume Response Modeling
- Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction
- Radionuclides
- Reactive Transport Modeling
- Remediation Performance Assessment
- Secondary Water Quality Impacts (when used in the context of Anaerobic Bioremediation)
- Secondary Water Quality Impacts (when used in the context of ISCO)
- Secondary Water Quality Impacts (when used in the context of Thermal Treatment
- Site Management Strategies
- Smoldering
- Soil Vapor Extraction
- Solubility (when used in the context of sorption)
- Solute Transport
- Source Zone Modeling
- Stable Isotope Probing
- Surface Geophysics
- Surfactants
- Thermal Treatment
- Trichloropropane
- Vapor Intrusion
- Viscosity Modification
- Zero Valent Iron